
More than a company; SHARE is your community.

SHARE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to caring for families who have children with special needs.

We provide respite (parents drop off their kids w/ a special need, we take care of them w/ our qualified nurses and room leaders, giving parents a much-needed break for date night, gym time, quiet time, etc.), parent support groups, counseling, holiday celebrations for the entire family, sibling camps, NICU outreach, and case management.

We exist to share the load - to share burdens, joys, victories, sadness, friendship, and more. SHARE envisions a world where parents who have children with special needs have access to support programs that enable families to experience the joy of their journey. Anyone who is a parent knows that parenting a child can be very difficult. Parents of a special needs child feel it even more. Caring for a child with special needs is a 24/7/365 job.

Our parents (and siblings) need rest, they need to know they're not alone, and they need access to resources for emotional and relational development.

That's where SHARE comes in.

Meet The Team


Jonathan Campbell

Executive Director

(432) 818-1253 office

Rachael Reinert

Director of Marketing and Development

(432) 818-1257 office

Traci Hopper

Program Director

(432) 818-1259
(432) 254-5325 (cell)


Yahaira Navarrete

Program Coordinator

(432) 818-1255

Laura Pittinger

Program Coordinator- (Volunteers)

(432) 818-1258

Anna Meisner

Program Coordinator

(432) 818-1256


Sharon Schattel


(432) 818-1252

Core Values

  • SHARE will ensure program excellence

  • SHARE will compassionately accept families with children in our care

  • SHARE is committed to the safety of the children in our care

  • SHARE supports immediate and extended family members



During twenty-five years of teaching special education in Midland ISD, Tom Jones witnessed first-hand the desperate lack of support and resources for families with children with special needs.


2005 - SHARE was established as a small church ministry, which has grown to a stand-alone 501(c)(3) charitable organization offering respite care in Midland.


2009 - SHARE became a 501(c)(3) corporation.


2012 - SHARE implemented an in-home respite care program for children with special and medical needs. SHARE also began a NICU Parent Support program in partnership with local hospitals.


2014 - SHARE moved offices to the Midland Shared Spaces, which provides us with invaluable shared resources.


2017 – SHARE made significant improvements to the consistency of our programming by replacing volunteer room leaders with paid contract staff.


2019 - SHARE develops collaborative partnership with University of Texas at Austin Texas Texas Center for Disability Studies where they provide information and bring special seminars to Midland-Odessa

2006 - SHARE initiated a collaborative effort to start Sibshop, a support program for siblings of children who have special needs. SHARE developed parent support programs, which address the unique needs of parents. By focusing on respite care, parent support, and sibling support services, SHARE has evolved into a nonprofit, which cares for families who have children with special needs.


2011 - SHARE expanded respite care services and parent support programs to Odessa.


2013 - SHARE partnered with Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor School of Medicine to host a Genetics Conference to bring expert speakers to the Permian Basin.


2016 - SHARE began a collaboration with Agape Counseling Services of West Texas and Samaritan Counseling Services in Midland to offer professional counseling services to our families. Also, SHARE won the Beacon Award for Program Excellence.



+ What does S.H.A.R.E stand for?

Share is an acronym for Sharing Hands a Respite Experience.

+ What does Respite mean?

The term respite {res-pit} means relief.

+ Why does SHARE exist?

Many great organizations in the Permian Basin provide services, therapies and educational opportunities for children with special needs. At SHARE, we are dedicated to supporting the family members that care for a child with special needs. When familial relationships are intact and each member is happy and healthy, the end result is better long term care for the child with a special need.

+ What is respite care?

The term respite {res-pit} means relief. Caring for a child with a special need can be overwhelming. Managing a child with a special need can take time and attention away from other children, a marital relationship, friends/other supportive relationships, as well as special interests and hobbies that enrich a person's life. But together, we can lessen the load. By caring for children, we give parents a chance to rest, care for themselves, cultivate supportive relationships and do other things they enjoy.

+ Do I qualify?

To qualify, we require a disability diagnosis from a reputable pediatrician or school district. The child with special needs must be 18 or younger. Conditions we accept include but are not limited to: Down Syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, autism, and other physical and developmental disabilities. All programs are offered to families that quality. A participant is a child with special needs along with parents and siblings as well as any other care givers in the home.

+ How do I apply?

  • Contact our program director and provide the child's diagnosis from the school or physician.
  • When eligibility is confirmed, look for the email containing the link to the online application forms. This form requires health, behavioral and insurance information.
  • Meeting - This will take place in our office. Please bring completed application form as well as the documented proof of diagnosis. We review your application form together and formulate any necessary action plans. During this time we provide a detailed explanation of services, and what we need from you to in order to make your experience with SHARE the most rewarding.
  • Services start after all information is collected and necessary action plans completed and confirmed.

+ What services do you offer?

  • Respite Care – Gives parents a gift of time to focus on themselves and a break from caring for children.
  • Parent Support – Provides parents a chance to meet others in similar situations and a chance to be heard by those who understand.
  • Sibling Support – Siblings of children with special needs have concerns, and responsibilities much like their parents. Sometimes they can feel like the forgotten members of the family. SHARE helps address these issues and more using a nationally recognized curriculum for guided discussion. We also collaborate with local adult siblings for panel discussions.
  • Family Celebrations - Our seasonal themed activities and gatherings give special families a chance to celebrate together in a non-judgmental environments that is friendly and considerate of special needs.
  • Counseling – Sessions with a licensed and trained professional at one of our partner agencies are made available to our family members.

+ How much does it cost?

All services are provided free of charge to families who qualify.

+ How are you funded?

We depend on the generosity of our community. Our investors include charitable foundations, corporations, individuals, and the Texas Department of State Health Services.